Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Beginner's Guide to Nepali Share Market !

I still remember my teachers compelling me to memorize the formulas that were associated with stocks. None of my teachers told me or my classmates to make experiments. I think practical knowledge was not in our “syllabus”. Enough with this bitching, now I am trying to get the “practical knowledge” by investing in stock market. I am just a noob, so if you know more than I do please don’t dither to share.

Right after I bought a share for the price of (say) X, the market was going insane, the price went up X+3 and I thanked god for that. After a while the market start to fall and ended up on X-1, phew. Next day I was curious and woke up at 7 (ma 8 baje matra uthxu) and started to look for the market live at NepalStock and NepaliPaisa’s site. I am not as dumb as I look, I know the market opens at 11 am and closes at 3 pm, but the suspense was killing me. When the market started to trade, there was a huge drop and it went to X-10. Damn, I just brought 100 stocks, was trying to feel for the person who might have bought 1000 stocks or more. That’s share market you can predict high or low, but one can’t forecast by what numbers it will fluctuate.

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